Before booking your appointment, please ensure you or your Referring Doctor, have sent a valid referral through to our rooms, as this will assist us in triaging and booking the right appointment for you. (See Booking your appointment for more information below)
Referrals can be sent to our rooms for triage via:
Fax: 08 9328 0582
Healthlink: pentsent (for referring doctors only)
When sending your referral via email or fax, please ensure all pages are included and it is a clear and readable copy of the entire referral document.
If you are an existing patient, please check if your referral is still valid before booking.
A GP or Dentist referral will be valid for 12 months from the date of your first appointment.
A referral from a Hospital Physician or a Specialist (including Orthodontists and other Dental Specialists) are valid for 3 months only.
If you have any CT or MRI Scans, Xrays or any other medical reports that may assist our specialists, please let us know at the time of booking your appointment.
Please note:
If you do not have a valid referral at the time of the appointment, the full account will be payable on the day and we will be unable to claim Medicare rebates on your behalf.
It is unlawful for Medical Practitioners to backdate referrals. It is the patient's responsibility to obtain a referral before attending your specialist appointment.
Our Doctors strictly do not accept referrals or appointments for Workers Compensation or Motor Vehicle Accident Insurance Claims
Booking your appointment
Once your referral has been triaged, you will receive an SMS from our rooms advising we are ready to book your appointment. Please follow any instructions provided in your SMS and then contact our rooms by phone so we may assist in booking a suitable appointment.
Kindly note that we do not make appointments via email correspondence.
Once your appointment has been booked the following events will occur:
An Appointment Confirmation letter will be emailed to you.
The email may include a Patient Information and Consent forms and/or Medical Questionnaire for completion and return to our rooms via email.
For NEW patients to our practice:
You may receive a SMS link to our Secure Patient Portal to complete your patient information and consent forms prior to the appointment. If you are unable to access the portal, that is ok, please let us know and we will send you an appointment pack with forms for completion.
To ensure your appointment runs smoothly on the day, please ensure the referral and steps 1 & 2 have been completed before your appointment.
Appointment reminders
You will receive an SMS reminder 1 week prior to your appointment. Please read it carefully and take note of the location of your appointment.
To cancel or change your appointment, please phone our rooms for assistance.
A cancellation fee of $50 applies if the appointment is cancelled less than 1 business day prior or you do not attend without providing notice.
Why have I received a SMS link to a Secure Patient Portal?
For all new patients, we use a Secure Patient Portal which enables our patients to complete their patient information online instead of via paper forms. (PDF forms are available where required).
A SMS will be sent to your nominated mobile number with a link to the portal.
When accessing the portal for the first time, you will be asked to create a new account with an email and password of your choice before preceding to form completion stage.
Attending Clinic
In light of our small waiting room area, we ask patients to observe the following request:
Paediatric patients are to be attended by maximum 2 adults only (no other children or adults to attend)
Children MUST stay with the adult at all times (child must not be walking around clinic rooms or waiting room and must not touch medical equipment or the doctors desk)
Strictly No Food or Drink is to be brought into the Practice as this may impact other patients with allergies.
Mask Wearing is supported and recommended if you are displaying symptoms but not infectious or if you feel safer when in our rooms.
Once you have been checked in by Reception, kindly remain in the Waiting Room until you are called through for your appointment
Your appointment letter will contain a Fee Schedule for your reference. This fee schedule applies to all current and future appointments you may have within our practice. The fees may vary slightly without notice from time to time.
Your total appointment fees will be determined by the doctor at the time of the visit, therefore our booking team cannot provide a fixed cost at the time of making the appointment.
The account is payable at the conclusion of the appointment via EFTPOS/Credit Card only. (we do not accept AMEX/Diners, Cash or Cheques).
Once the account is paid in full and providing we hold a valid referral, our team will process a Medicare Claim on your behalf.
As a Private Specialist Practice we do not bulk bill appointment fees
All doctors providing services at Perth ENT Centre are Independent Business Operators and therefore set their own individual schedule of fees and determine which Health Fund Agreement they will contract with. This means if you choose for any reason to see more than one doctor at Perth ENT Centre, the Schedule of Fees and Cost of Surgery may differ. Please note that the administration staff do not have the ability to discount Fees as they will be determined by the Doctor at the time of your appointment.
If your GP or Medical Practitioner has suggested you require surgery, an initial consultation must occur before any surgical bookings are made for you.
Our Doctors will discuss surgical options with you at the time of the consultation.
For Private Elective Surgery, the Doctors' Secretary will provide you with an Estimate of Fees after the initial consultation so you can ensure you are covered by your Private Health Fund for Hospital cover.
We ask that you carefully check with your Private Health Fund prior to booking surgery, to ensure that your insurance is paid up to date and that you are not subject to any waiting periods, exclusions or restrictions. If you have not checked this information carefully before surgery, you may have to pay the full surgical account in advance to the doctor and the hospital.
Once you are happy to proceed, kindly sign the estimate and return to our rooms. As a private billing clinic, an out of pocket cost will apply and is payable prior to the date of surgery.
NOTE: THE DOCTORS ARE NOT NO GAP PROVIDERS AND each doctor sets their own surgical fees in line with the Health Fund Agreements to which they have joined.
Refer to this link for a list of hospitals that our doctors prefer to use for surgery.
Fact sheets are available HERE to explain some of our common procedures
Other Services
Comprehensive Diagnostic Audiology Services
For newborn babies to adolescent patients we recommend the services of Hannah Bennett at Kidshear, for comprehensive testing and diagnosis of hearing loss and listening difficulties.
​As Kidshear is an independent business operator, the Kidshear Referral Template must be used. This template also ensures the patient obtains Medicare Rebates.
Referrals: Download the Kidshear Referral form from the Kidshear website, take to your GP for completing and send to
Bookings: All appointments from 1/3/2025 can be booked online HERE​
Enquiries: For further queries, please visit the Kidshear website for more information
Please note that Perth ENT Centre will no longer handle bookings, referrals and enquiries from the 1/3/2025.